Couple Things....


When will I be able to breathe again? Like legitimately. I’m 26 weeks with twins and I feel like not a single bit of oxygen is actually making it to my lungs. It must be, because I’m not passing out or turning blue, but it’s so damn uncomfortable. I’ve almost had a couple full on panic attacks because it feels like I’m suffocating. Any tips or tricks there? Because I’m not sure I can do 10+ more weeks of this 😭😭😭

Also, wtf is wrong with my hips? They feel SO tight and ache if I do anything other than keep them perfectly straight laying down. They’ve also (painfully) popped a few times in the last week or so. Is this normal during pregnancy? I should probably do some yoga or something but it just hurts so badly I don’t even want to attempt it.

Ok, that’s enough complaining. For now. I hope all you ladies are doing well!