Light at end of tunnel

🌙Sibylline🔮 • Mommy to Bodhi Sage 1.24.17 and Ezekiel Sage 5.25.18

For those parents whose babies do not sleep through the night yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Because “sleep regressions” mean nothing to you, you’ve never experienced your baby sleeping through the night for long stretches so what’s a sleep regression to you? Nothing, it’s business as usual, right?

Take heart after the 4-month mark, you will probably decide I’ve got to fix this for my sanity and you may decide to sleep train - gentle training, controlled crying or CIO and then they will sleep and regressions will never hit you the same. I promise you that because you “paid that piper” in the beginning and it cost you a fortune and nearly your sanity.

I say this because I have a toddler now who didn’t sleep either and had colic to boot. We have never gone thru sleep regressions the same with him because we sleep-trained out of absolute necessity. He’s slept thru the night since 5-6 months and he’s 19 months now.

So there is hope! From one tired mama to another, just wanting to offer some encouragement. You’re doing great and you’re not a failure because your baby doesn’t sleep well. You got this! And you’ll be laughing when you read posts of older babies suddenly not sleeping because yours will be! 🙌🏼😊