Birth Control &Parenting


Okay. So to start off, I’m 16. I’ve had my period for about a year and a half now. My period started off light, cramps were only occurring in my back, I never really had mood swings or anything. So my period was pretty easy for the first 9-13 months or so. Now my period has increased greatly..when I say greatly I mean blood clots and heavy flow pads only lasting an hour and a half rather then the 4-6 hours that I’d wear them for, as well as stomach cramping coming and feeling terrible, and the only thing that is remaining the same is my mood. Like I don’t have mood swings or anything. Now...idk what to do. I tried talking to my mom but because I’m in a relationship, she thinks that I’m only asking for birth control because I want to have sex, which isnt true, and I am a virgin. Any advice? Birth control recommendations? I’ll take what I can get. TYIA.