Boyfriend repeatedly tells me he would rather be dead than alive.


Hi guys,

This is gonna be kind of long, but I'd really appreciate help.

So I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 5 months.

He REPEATEDLY tells me he wishes he wouldn't wake up in the mornings, that he wants to buy a gun to off himself, that he'd rather be dead than alive. And I don't know what to do.

We've talked about (or really, I've talked and he's beaten down all my suggestions) stress management and self care. He goes to trade school 7-3 M-Th and works an 8-6 job F-Sun. He doesn't have a single day off because he values money more than he does his mental health (it seems). I ask him how I can help take a load off his plate and he just tells me "win the lottery." He thinks money will just make all his problems go away, which I know just isn't true. He constantly says he's pressed for time and is stressed but refuses to take a day off, like I've mentioned every time he brings it up. He grinds all day and doesn't give himself time to wind down at the end of the day and instead goes to bed pretty much as soon as he gets home. He's been sleeping a lot lately, and he does have a bit of insomnia but it seems like all he wants to do lately is sleep in his free time. He rarely eats dinner or even 3 meals a day. Usually he eats lunch and that's it.

It makes me sad to know he thinks these things, and I told him that it makes me feel inadequate and that I'm not impacting his life in a positive way and he responded by saying "you won't be impacting my life really at all" and then told me he was tired of talking and gave me the silent treatment.

Lately I'll come home from work and he hardly says two words to me, even with me probing and asking questions, yet he tells me all the time that he loves me and that I'm his future.

I've brought up therapy before and he claims he doesn't need it and that he doesn't wanna go. I know I can't make him go.

He's had a pretty rough life growing up. No dad in the picture since age 15 (cancer). Worked since age 13 and worked full time since 15 (homeschooled). He doesn't have the best home life. Life hasn't handed him the best deck of cards.

I just don't know what to do. Any advice?
