My heart attack birth story.


I say heart attack because this got so scary so quickly.

The start of my labor was actually the morning of my final check up. I woke up to get ready for my appointment & thought I was peeing all over myself. Well that was my water as you ladies with children know! My boyfriend was in DC, so I quickly called him and he starts coming home. My grandmother took me to the hospital where I was then put on pitocin as my body wasn’t starting actual contractions. I was 2 cm when I went in. And labored for 12.5 hours before I got to meet my daughter. I had an epidural but about 4-5 hours before I started to push the bag ran out and my awful nurses never called the anesthesiologist back again. So I felt everything. I’d like to add that I had a normal and healthy pregnancy. But nothing is worse than expecting such a beautiful moment and that burst of relief when that baby comes out, only for it to turn so quickly. My daughter was put on my chest, no crying, no movement. Nothing. She wasn’t breathing. They immediately took her and start beating on her back and then chest compressions, oxygen. Everything! So I finally hear a cry, and they take her to NICU. I hadn’t even seen her face. Nothing but the back of her head. An hour later she comes back, PERFECTLY fine and I was just so so happy. Apparently she had some trouble transitioning from womb to the world. But here’s my little girl. Thank you to the ones that stuck this far through my long story!

June 2017

August 2018