Baby Girl born August 11th


My due date was Monday August 13th but my little angel decided she was ready to come out on Saturday August 11th.

I woke at 3AM to some mild feeling contractions (not consistent or close together at this time). By 6AM I woke my fiance up and let him know that I believed today would be the day we would have our daughter. By 8AM I was definitely feeling the contractions a lot more and more consistently. We called our doctor who asked how I was feeling. I was told to wait to come in to labor and delivery until I was either really hurting or water had broken. So, we called Ricky's (my fiance) mother so she could start heading our way to babysit our toddler. We than waited until about noon. By this time I was in tears and really feeling the contractions. We decided that we waited long enough and left for the hospital. I prayed that I would be dilated enough and be admitted (I heard a lot of people say that they weren't dialed enough and was sent home). I was very surprised to learn that I was actually dilated to a 7. I was thrilled to know that our daughter would be here soon. My doctor ended up waiting till I was dilated to about a 9 and broke my water and the contractions started really coming. I laid in the hospital bed in pain but looking forward to giving birth. By 5PM I started feeling pressure to push soon and let the nurse know. She went to let the doctor know but came back asking if I was able to not push for a few minutes because our doctor was already delivering another baby. I was able to hold off pushing until about 5:10PM by this time I knew I just had to start pushing. Great timing though cause our doctor just came in. Only nine minutes of actual pushing and our beautiful daughter was born at 5:19PM.

We named our little angel...Bella Averie. She is just perfect.