Baby blues? Feeling emotional lately (venting)...

So it’s been 11 days since giving birth. Before I go on I love my son Ezra so much I don’t regret having him. But Lately I’ve been feeling emotional about how real this is for me. It’s scary knowing I’m actually adulting now and how I have a little one to look after. It’s not about me and my fiancé anymore it’s all about the baby. He will hold me and that will make me feel better and those are the things I’m missing even though I know I can get them all the time. He doesn’t know how I’ve been feeling lately.. and in the middle of me typing this he holds and kisses me and I just cried it out to him. I told him everything about how I feel and he was very understanding and listened. I never cry too I don’t like anyone seeing that side of me so for him to see that he knows this is very serious. Now his work schedule is changing to 1:30pm-12:00am from Monday-Thursday and that I’m afraid of since I won’t be seeing him a lot during the week. What will I do all those hours? Lol can’t really do anything with a newborn right now. I feel so blessed though to have an amazing and supportive fiancé. Hopefully this emotional state of mind goes away soon