Sorry for the long post but...


I feel like a very lucky mama!!

10 days before my due date I started having contractions around dinner time. They were all over the place and had no consistency whatsoever, so hubby and I were convinced they were Braxton Hicks and went to bed. I was up most of the night with these contractions, still very inconsistent, but I was wondering why they were lasting so long.

My husband got up at 4am to go to work and I was awake, still counting contractions, still VERY random. But he said “okay, that’s it, you’re having a baby today” and called into work.

We waited a while still because I wasn’t convinced. Everything you learn is about how the contractions are consistent and get closer together and mine were NOT doing that. So at 8am when my doctors office opened, we called and my OB suggested we head to the hospital anyways to get checked out. So off we went. Got there at about 9am and I was 5 CM!!!! We were having a baby!

I immediately asked for an epidural, which was always the plan. I had IV meds alone for about 2 hours until the anesthesiologist came in to do my epidural.

Let me just say, in MY experience, getting the IV put in was the worst (most painful) part of it all.

The epidural was placed and it didn’t hurt at all, (and p.s. I have scoliosis), in about 10 mins I was pretty numb but could

still feel a bit of pain and pressure from the contractions which I was content with.


Yup, you read that right. From 11:30am until 4pm I slept, (with the occasional nurse checking my cervix in between my naps) until it was time to push.

The nurse told me what to expect, as a FTM I would probably push for around 2 hours and would probably have some tearing.

I pushed for 30 MINUTES and had NO TEARING. (I thank my birthing class instructor who taught us how to push with our vaginas, not like we had to poo)

AND WALLAH! My perfect 7 lbs baby boy was there with us and it was unreal. I felt so blessed and still do.