#letmyfrustrationbeyourentertainment Part 1

This is a long long story about a very dramatic friend and I’ve decided to let you lovely ladies weigh in because I’m beyond frustrated. Take a seat, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

This story begins way back in 2013. I was a university freshman looking to reinvent myself and a new friend group was part of the plan. I made them easy enough and one of these friends, someone who came to call herself my best friend quickly, was a little...eccentric but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

This girl was petite in every sense with mid length black hair and tan skin. She was excitable and sometimes bossy but well-meaning. I soon came to learn she wasn’t as nice as I initially thought. She would do this thing where whenever a guy would show her any attention she would ignore or put down any girls around her and I wasn’t the only person who noticed. She was a lot boy crazy. She would latch on to any guy that would show her the smallest kindness or simply not tell her to leave him alone. She could be really mean about people but couldn’t take anyone being 10% of her 100%.

Despite all this I still called her my close friend for a year. Come the summer of 2014 I was having emotional stability problems and needed someone to talk to. One of our mutual friends, we’ll name him Thomas, listened to me, gave me advice and I ended up becoming attached to him.

This is where my first major problems began with my close friend, we’ll call her Flora. Now remember how I mentioned Flora is a little boy-crazy? Flora tried to latch-on to Thomas. Thomas was a reserved, quiet type of guy with sarcasm he only showed around his friends. When Flora saw him she tried to befriend him right away, it didn’t work. He politely tried to signal he wasn’t interested however she didn’t take the hint. Over time (the year I was still good with her) she fell asleep on Thomas on a bus to school, tried to drag him around malls, forcibly seated herself next to him in classes etc all while Thomas would tell her the seat was taken or tried to move away.

Fast forward to when I liked him. Hold your judgement for now because this may sound like a boy getting between friends however it is not. So I liked this boy, we friendly and became closer as time went on, I eventually told him I liked him, he rejected me and I was sad as any normal girl would be. During this time I spent a lot of time with Flora, one day when I was visibly upset about Thomas (it was common knowledge he rejected me and I was sad) Flora randomly said “You know, Thomas is such a nice guy, he went out in the freezing cold during a blizzard just to get me hot chocolate. He’s genuinely so sweet to me”.

It felt like my heart broke into a million pieces again, I was so confused as to why my “friend” would say this. This was a story Flora had been saying since the winter and it was now summer. I didn’t say anything and life went on.

Long story short, I moved on from Thomas but we stayed close friends, he ended up liking me and we started dating. When we told our friends, Flora was the only one who didn’t seem genuinely happy. We were getting hugs and smiles and laughter from our other friends when Flora simply looked flat and sad while she said an obligatory congratulations.

Following this Flora would physically sit between us whenever she got the chance and complain about our PDA when no one else would. (Our PDA consisted of sitting next to each other, holding hands and occasionally hugging).

*<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> doesn’t allow long posts so there is a part 2 and 3*