Crush talked about me


Ok so first here is some context I met this girl Des in my drama class last school year. I was hardcore crushing but she wasn’t there for like the last couple months of school and I haven’t seen her in a long time. So it’s kinda hart to really have a crush on someone if you haven’t seen or talked to them for I while.

And you should know that I’m logged into my friend Ilos Instagram account on my phone.

So I was on instagram and I saw that Des started a live. I obviously wanted to join but me being me and over analyzing everything thought it would be weird if I joined for some reason. So after a while of waiting to maybe join but not right away I realized I could watch on my friends account and she would have no idea. So joined her live and didn’t say much just like a few comments, like asking who she was and stuff and saying I joined a random live. I then left for a minute and came back saying I figured out who she was, I said that my friend Aislin (aka me) fallows her I asked if she new her (her again still being me). She was super sweet and was yah omg I lover her she was my drama class. She continued to talk about me and said that she wished we talked more and that we had a lot in common and stuff. She said that when I fallowed her she was going to DM but then didn’t cause like she was nervous about it. Well not exactly nervous but yah know when you don’t want to do something and you don’t know why but like just cause your awkward, like how I didn’t join her live on my account. Anyways after a minute I said I had to go but I’d tell Aislin (aka still me) and was umm ok and I left the stream.

I’m going to DM her in 2 days saying my friend told me to DM her. I don’t think she likes me back, but I did stalk her on insta and I found out she’s pan so at least I’m not crushing on a straight girl. I’m really happy I just hope we have enough to talk about and the conversation isn’t stale. I also feel kinda bad about Lying to her and pertaining to be my friend. But if we keep talking and become closer even if it just as friends I’ll tell her eventually I guess.