My bundle of joy is here...

What a journey it has been. At 6 months pregnant I ended up moving 1,400 miles away from very close friends (chosen family) and my sons father who had become physically abusive and threatened my little guys life because his father wanted a girl. Well fast forward...My big guy measured 7lbs at 34 weeks so I was warned he is a big healthy guy. Neither of us had any problems during pregnancy he was just big and healthy. At my 38 week check up my OB said we can’t let things go longer he is getting to big (honestly at 38 weeks he felt GIANT 😂). So we scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks. Everything was going great but at about the 15th hour I couldn’t take the pain anymore and got an epidural. Things were still going great. At hour 21 when I layed on my side his heart rate would drop to the 80’s. So I moved sides a lot. At hour 23 he finally decides to come and of course that is when I am only feeling the epidural on my left side so every contraction I am feeling in my right hip. Time to push and the epidural is empty. I keep going because the nurse said I see his hair. I was excited because that meant to me he would be here soon. 45 min later I am still pushing with no epidural. He was stuck so we had to get some help using a vacuum. He finally made his grand entrance at 9lbs 3 oz , 21 1/2 inches long and a whopping 14 1/2 inch head (which is what got stuck). After he came they handed him to me which I was thrilled about. My OB said he needed to stitch things up (me still without an epidural) then he said we may need to go into surgery this one part is too big and will not stop bleeding. I am calm at the moment because I have my son. Then I look over and said someone has to take him. Because of the amount of pain that hit at once I ended up throwing up for a good 5 min. Finally got all stitched up without having to actually go into surgery (but my OB did say I had 3 layers of stitches). In so much pain it is unbelievable but in the end he was worth it and I am so glad he is here. He is the biggest blessing in my life (so far at a week and a half). Never dreamed I would be raising him as a single parent but am lucky to have family willing to help out.