Need help have to see the man who raped me today....

Ok this is very hard for me to talk about but I need advice and positive comments to help me through this day. I was raped about 3 years ago by a close family friend and I had to go through the pain of seeing him all the time because along with being a friend of the family for many years he worked with my family at our family business. Every time I’d go see my family at work I was in hell having to see him, seeing him all buddy buddy with my family after what he did to me. Not only was it unimaginably painful and uncomfortable for me to be there with him but I also felt obligated to speak up because almost all the other employees there were girls that were still in high school including my 2 younger sisters it killed me knowing he was around them, It was so awful that one day I burst into tears while visiting my family at their work because it’d been killing me for so long and I ended up telling my mom what had happened and to my disbelief she did nothing she let him stay working with them and didn’t even treat him differently. Another man working there overheard me and was furious with my mother for not only not wanting to kill him but for letting him continue working there around other young girls and around me. I’d known this man since I was around 2 years old and it just makes me sick when I would go in there with my 4 year old daughter and he’d try to speak to her I’d want to kill him. Well sadly after 26 years of business my grandparents decided to sell the business and it ended up selling in June of this year. It was sad but at the same time I knew I’d never have to see that man again. Well yesterday was my youngest sisters 18th bday she’s in college now so we don’t see her much anymore so my mom decided to do a cookout/pool party today for her bday since she’s coming home for the weekend today. We lost our home recently and now live in the basement of my parents house until I’m able to get a job so we can find a place, so any time they do a party she lets me know in advance. Well this morning she came down to our room and was like “we’re gonna do a cookout pool party for Jessie’s bday won’t that be fun! Oh and I just wanted to warn you I’m inviting blank to the party hope that’s ok he’s been calling and saying how much he misses us now that the business closed down and he’s been wanting to visit and I don’t want him just showing up one day with just us here and your dad and husband are working so this is the best time to do it”. I can’t believe she’d do this I’m her daughter and this man raped me and she knows it!!! If it were my child I’d want to kill him and she wants to invite him to where we live we’re there will be a bunch of young girls in bikinis. And yes I get it’s her house and I need to get my own place but I have no choice right now. When the business closed me and everyone else in my family lost our jobs and since I only ever worked one job and that job was with family every interview I’ve been on has said they won’t count my work history because I worked with family so even though I have 10+ years of customer service experience since it was with family I basically don’t have a job history so no one will hire me. So I’m screwed right now we have no where to go but here. Please don’t comment if your gonna bash me for being upset about this when it’s not even my house and I don’t have a say so. I’m so upset and broken and I feel sick to my stomach knowing that man will be in the place that me and my husband and daughter live and no one even cares that it upsets me