Boyfriends girl that is a friend

So my Bf has a friend that is a girl and a couple weeks ago her car broke down and he was driving her to and from work ( we all work together) one night me and my Bf were talking and she was getting upset because she was ready to go and he was making her wait to talk to me so while we were talking she went over to a group of our coworkers and said someone me and my Bf became the topic of the conversation which led to her for some reason saying “ they are definitely not together which one of them said that they were together? Her? Yeah no he doesn’t claim her” that was two weeks ago and my Bf said that he would talk to her about why the fuck she’s going around saying that which he did finally yesterday but has yet to tell what how the conversation went... I’m truly upset but I’m not sure how I should approach him. I have been nothing but nice to the girl Bc she is my mans friend and I hate conflict but I don’t appreciate rumors being spread.

I had to remind my boyfriend yesterday that he was supposed to talk to her I wasn’t upset about that Bc you know boy brain but he has yet to say anything else about it. what should I do?