I always wished someone had posted something similar


So I’m sharing my story just in case there’s someone out there going through something similar ....

When I was 16 weeks pregnant during my ultrasound my doctor saw that my babies head was measuring quite large and he had extra fluid around his brain. I had an MRI done and met with his neurosurgeon who explained what my son had was hydrocephalus. Of course I googled what that meant and some of the images I saw definitely made me worry my entire pregnancy so I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have wanted.

I had an ultrasound done every week and every week my sons head was measuring way ahead then the rest of his body so I was scheduled to have a c section on August 16th but baby boy decided he couldn’t wait to meet us and my water broke a day early so I had my c section on August 15th and met my little blessing that day. The same night he was transferred via ambulance to the children’s hospital and he had his shunt surgery the next morning to help drain his fluid. He spent a total of 9 days in the NICU with no shunt complications !

Having gone through this the only advice I can give to anyone going through something similar or the same is that everyone’s journey is different. I expected the worse during my pregnancy but it wasn’t until after my delivery where I got more clear answers. Enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can and trust that your baby will be in good hands 💙