Abs, help?!


I’ll keep in brief:

I’m pretty skinny (I went through a phase where I had a small appetite at college) so that my ribs show more than the average person.

My personal preference is skinny, but a healthy skinny. Like with abs and without the ribs showing. I’m not saying anybody should expect to look like this (LOVE YOUR BODY!! 🙌).

Anyway, I was wondering how I’d control the showing of my ribs and getting abs to make my waist small without being too skinny?

Should I try gaining weight?

I understand body types may determine how different BMI’s appear and etc.

I can live with that ahaha ;)

Thanks for reading!

P.S: for those of you who may be concerned, this is not me seeking to find confidence in a “bikini body”. I’ve found myself a bit aimless and need a challenge/goal I can achieve in my sport ;)