Re evaluating life


Well it was my 35th birthday last week. I had real issues turning 35. No baby. Still fat etc etc.

The thing is I’ve started now wandering if we should have a baby at all. I’ll tell you why.

For years my family and friends have always tried to push me away from my husband. Not that they don’t like him, they just don’t like his attitude. We’ve been together since we were 15. He was recently (2 years ago) diagnosed with crohns.

I’m only recently where I’m starting to see what friends have family have been going on about. He works. Which is good. And earns a good salary. However. And it is a big however. He does nothing (and I mean nothing) to help me at home. I put it to the test this week. Ran the dishwasher on Monday. It’s been full ever since. It’s not been put away. Sink for ok of dirty dishes next to it. Presumably because the dishwasher was full. I put the bins out. I sort the cats box out. I clean the house. I sort the ironing. I buy all the shopping. We go on holiday on Sunday. I’ve had to pay for the whole thing. And organise it. I sorted the travel insurance, the toiletries, his medication etc.

On Sunday he slept till 3.30pm. 3.30........ got up and then after lunch went back to sleep. I can’t make a noise while he sleeps otherwise he gets angry. I was literally just sat waiting for him.

He smokes loads of weed. Because it helps his crohns.

I travel for work. Not once has he ever called me to check I got to destination ok.

I don’t know what I’m asking. Do you think it’s right I suppose. I don’t even know how to raise it without him going off on one. I eee other girls being treated amazingly. And he’s me. Just getting on with it. But just feel no better one really cares.

What do you think?