Rude midwife

Started having period like cramps around 2 am woke up at 8 and the cramps were a little more intense. Timed them as best I could and they seemed to be happening every 3-4 minutes, the pain was in my pelvic area and radiating around my back. The last time I had this pain I was in preterm labor with my son so I called L&D. When we get there and get hooked up my contraction line looks very similar to the early contractions I was having with my son. The midwife comes in only to tell me the pain is caused by my baby moving 🙄. She says nothing else and then leaves the room. This is my second pregnancy, baby’s movement doesn’t feel like cramps that intensify every few minutes. I plan to have a long discussion with my doctor on Wednesday cause I do not want that midwife in my room when I give birth.