Gay younger brother

(Let me just start off by saying I 100% fully support gay/lesbian rights, as I am bi myself, and I just want to help my brother.)

As my brother was down stairs in our TV room, I over heard him from upstairs tell his friend who he is playing video games with that he was gay.

Now he had just turned 14 and is going through a lot of emotions right now, but I was shocked to hear him say that, as I had noticed that he has never really had an interest in having a relationship (a few of his females friends have asked him out before and he said no).

I guess I had always knew he was gay, maybe because he seemed to have no interest in dating girls, or because of how close he can be with his male friends (like for example, he hugs them a lot and his friends really don’t like to be hugged, but my brother doesn’t seem to care and hugs them anyway) or I just have some way of knowing, I don’t know, but I do have a question:

Should I confront him about it?

Like, I don’t want to force him out of the closet but I also want him to know someone will accept him as who he is. I feel he would be scared to come out to my parents because although they understand people are gay, they aren’t the most accepting of it and have made that pretty clear.

Like I said earlier, he is only 14, so he might just want to be in the closet for a while or maybe I am taking this way too seriously and he was only kidding around with his friend because he does have a weird sense of humor and we don’t get his jokes a lot because he doesn’t tell them very good and says them in a serious tone.

As I type this I feel that I already know my answer but I still want to hear everyone’s opinions.

Thank you for reading. :)