
This might be a TMI but a general concern i have and i haven’t gone to the doctor yet but I’m just overall curious if I’m not the only person with this issue.

Ever since i can remember (since I’ve been getting my period) my Vag has always had this scent that isn’t that great. In high school I was a dancer on the dance team and from wearing thick dance tights all the time I would sweat a lot. (We’re not supposed to wear underwear well dancing while dancing to prevent infections due to sweat). I’m no longer in high school and I recently started having sex my senior year of high school - and my partner and I are still together and we’ve both been tested together and we both came back negative. I would pee every time after sex - as you should.

But am i doing something wrong? I don’t use the cleansers specifically made to throw off the PH balance because they could be harmful.

I’ve also had no unusual discharge. And the smell comes and goes through out my cycle.

But my Vag still has this funky smell. Any suggestions on what to do besides see my doctor? Has this happened to anyone else? Help a girl out please 🙏.