Who will be on the delivery room?


Who are you mommas having in the room with you when baby comes? My first pregnancy just me and hubby were in the room and the millions of drs/nurses because baby came super fast and unexpectedly at 30 weeks and we didn't live by family.. This time around we live close to family and my mom really wants to be in the room with me and my hubby which I'm ok with, but my sister also wants to be in the room super bad is that weird?

I'm thinking of telling her no especially since she hasn't technically asked and just told me she'll be in the room and i don't want alot of people.. am I being weird for thinking it's odd she wants to be in the room so badly?? I also have to think about the way they react my mom and my sister don't know how to control their emotions or keep cool in stressful times.. 😂😂🤦‍♀️

I know in the end the choice is mine and I have alot to think about I'm just curious who you ladies are letting in the room and how you would feel if your sister wanted to be in the room so bad?