Opinion on Faint lines


First off I want yo say I'm very impatient, second this is my first month off my birth control and should be on second period next week. So, I bought a pack of test and took one didn't see anything but few mins later went back to see if maybe there was a faint line. I saw one extremely light. I took this test in the afternoon and it was also blue dye. My sister told me blue dye tests have a tendency to show false positives and also that that line was probably evaporation line and to try again in the morning. This morning I took it and after the 2 mins were up I saw that extremely faint line. I waited few more mins looked again to see if my eyes were playing tricks and the damn line was gone. So, I start in 6 days according to this app. I will probably test again with my last blue dye on Mon. and than pick up pink and test on Friday. Anyways what are your opinions. Is there a possibility of it being a real positive or do you think it's too early and just evaporation lines or false positives.