Losing hope!😔

Kyleigh • 29•marriedtomybestfriend#9years😍•2precious👼🏼👼🏼•TTC🌈👶🏼•mommatoa4yearolddaughter👨‍👩‍👧

So I took a test this morning with fmu and it was negative I’m 13 dpo tracked with opks and still nothing. According to glow I start Sunday but my other app says wed the 5 so idk and I jus took 2 more tests to see if mayb there was something. I’m starting to lose hope tht I’m not pregnant. I’m very bloated I’m getting headaches like it’s my job and sore nipples and sometimes I’m nauseous. When did you get your positive my last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage I was 7w3d but my body was 11w4d before it caught it and I tested positive the day before af was suppose to start but didn’t track my ovulation

This morning

Jus a little bit ago I took a opk for eye lines they didn’t touch but I feel like I see a line🤦🏼‍♀️

Then this. They say 6 days before ur period but who knows!💁🏼‍♀️