Husband won’t help with daughter

Im a stay at home mom to our 19 month year old daughter. My husband works full time Wednesday-Sunday from 10am-10pm.

On his days off if I even ask for the smallest favor even to go to the bathroom or to take a shower he absolutely won’t he says he is too busy being on his phone or going to the gym. There is times where I’ve took a shower at 2am bc that’s the time he gets home from the gym. It gets me so mad Bc on his days off he won’t watch her unless she is sleeping bc he doesn’t want to deal with her he never wants to watch her I can’t go and hang out with my friends bc he says he won’t watch her or I have to take her with me. He won’t watch her so I can eat or if I just need a minute to myself It makes me so mad Bc he will go with his brothers alone and spend the night there and all they do is drink. He always makes me feel bad and calls me a idiot constantly. I just don’t know what to do anymore I’m relying too much on my family to do small things like shower Bc he won’t watch her. He also wants another kid like for what so he won’t help at all