thank God for rainbow babies ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™


baby William made his entrance on 8/28/18 @ 4:08 pm! he was due Sept 5th but due to being transverse I was scheduled for a version and induction on 8/28/18. baby had other plans! Sunday he flipped head down! on Monday 8/27 I woke up at 1:30am incredibly uncomfortable, with contractions every 6-7 minutes. I called l&d after 2 hours of this and due to my history of him being transverse and having a marginal cord insertion they wanted me to come in. after 2 hours of observation they sent me home to labor there since I was stuck at 2cm. throughout the day nothing changed- contractions every 6-8 minutes ALL day and night.

after a night of no sleep and contractions bringing me to tears, I arrived at my scheduled induction to see my Dr at 7am. on my way into the hospital, my water breaks. since baby turned head down, my Dr had me walk the halls to get things rolling instead of doing the scheduled induction. three hours pass and no change but contractions are still all in my back and super painful. babies heart rate drops slightly with contractions so she decides to start me on pitocin to progress the labor which of course makes contractions closer together and more painful (every 2min lasting 1min). i wanted so badly to do without the epidural but i just couldn't do it after 2 nights of no sleep, so they place it after 2 tries (and still only numbs my right side). finally I can rest!

1pm I'm at a 5 and 3pm magically a 10! 3:30 it's time to call the Dr and start pushing, 4:08 he's here on my chest! he couldn't be more perfect at 5# 8oz and 20.5" long.