My birth story


Hi! Its been almost 6 months since my son William was born, but after reading so many other stories I decided to finally share mine!

My due date was march 14, 2018, however, at exactly 39 weeks I started having contractions while eating lunch with my grandma and mom. I figured they were braxton hicks so we even went to the mall and target to walk around. By the time we got home like 5 hours later, they were regular and getting painful. I decided to call my doctor while eating dinner, but my doctor didnt get back to me to come into the hospital for another 2 hours. Once the doctor called me back, he sent me in.

Once we got to the hospital things were getting very intense. I was still only dialated to a 2 though despite painful contractions. We were in triage for 3 hours. They were going to send me home to labor but my blood pressure kept getting a little high, so they decided to induce me.

Once in the delivery room I had a OB resident place a foley cath in my cervix to help me dialate. They taped it to my leg and every hour came in and tugged on it. It only took 2 hours to dialate to a 5 with it in, and it fell out. I labored with pictocin after that until 3 am when I asked for an epidural. At that point I was at a 6 cm.

The epidural was heaven for about 45 minutes, then bam I starting feeling contractions. They put two more doses if epidural meds and decided to do another. At this point im at a 8 and very very painful. That epidural doesnt work either, even with two c-section doses of medication. My epidural failed. I was in so much pain it felt like my pelvis was breaking. About 4 hours later of agony it was time to push. The lady came in again and said she could do a third epidural but I decided against it. I pushed so hard. William was born 30 minutes later. 7 pounds 1 oz, 21.5 inches long. I ended up having an episiotomy because he kept getting stuck. He also pooped in me so he had to be suctioned at birth. I pushed so hard I broke blood vessels in my eye balls.

My little love today:)