Contractions question


Me and my husband had sex tonight and after I went and took after after laying down for about 30 minutes I started contracting ik sex/orgasm can cause contractions I was just wondering about how long after do they normally last? I have been contracting for almost 2 hours now and they are anywhere from 3 to 4 minutes apart. I did call OB and they said I didn't sound worked up so they must not hurt that bad. They honestly aren't extremely bad but they do hurt. They feel like a sever period cramp but in my back also this is my second baby and this is how my labor started with my first. I took a bath and have been drinking tons of water but they haven't stopped or slowed down. I didn't get to talk to an actual nurse but the tech I talked to said she was going to talk to her and if she felt I needed to come in she would call me but couldn't answer my question about how long I should wait until I became concerned.

Update: The contractions ended up stopping on their own but I have been told to refrain from sex which kinda sucks but after last night I will gladly not do that again! My doctor wants to see me again to check my cervix again in a couple days just to make sure it's not dialating. Thank you ladies for your help I really appreciate it!!