Thank god for strong men!


I have had an amazing weekend with my boyfriend. We have been dating officially this last Saturday for 1 year and on and off for 6 months before that and been trying for a baby unsuccessfully the entire time. I took a test yesterday morning due to being on day 10 of bleeding heavy then light and the medium and then back to heavy back to light and I had never experienced this in my life. I am on progesterone to help my body with the mid cycle bleeding I had been experiencing which it helped a bit but now isn’t working to stop it so I took a test yesterday morning there was a faint line and this morning absolutely nothing. I am praying it is not a miscarriage and that if I keep using cheapie tests I will see a dark positive but I am pretty sure we won’t which is hard and frustrating for how long we have been trying and after a great weekend with my amazing boyfriend I broke down when he asked if something was wrong cause he could sense something was off. He is my greatest support system and I can’t wait to marry this amazing man!