Second baby anxiety


I'm 32 weeks with my second. I knew the minute first was born I was going to want another baby. I went through hell with him his first year and a half of life. Hes a very spirited child and had a milk protein allergy and reflux. He screamed almost constanly his first year of life and didn't sleep through the night consistently until recently and he turned 2 at the end of may. He is such a mommas boy and I have this deep attachment to him as well. I do work full time so I leave him for much of the day during the week but have never left him overnight. I'm getting so nervous about the new baby coming and not being home with him while the baby is being born. I'm also freaking out thinking the new baby is gonna scream 24/7 like he did and I'm just going to be laying on the floor crying not knowing what to do with myself. I really wanted a second but I'm getting such bad anxiety as babys due date approaches. I know there's nothing I can do but watch and wait to see how it all pans out. 😔