New member, is this abuse?


So my fiancé and I have been together for a year. In the beginning things were peachy, but then that made me think of the saying “too good to be true”.

We lived separately during the first seven months I felt he was a bit controlling by, always wanting my phone, always wanting me to sleep with no pants/panties, barricading me from leaving during arguments because I hate confrontation.

Now we live together, we fight constantly over the smallest things. He always says I’m cheating, he made me take the lock off my phone but I did it to prove he’s the only one I’m with. He hates when I hangout with my best friend or cousin. And now that we live together he’s gotten worse with the abuse. He shoves me, punches me in the face, back, legs and arms. But when he punches me in the face he’ll only hit me in the chin so bruises don’t show on my eyes or cheeks. He has told me that he punches me in those places because I can cover it up. He breaks my things ex. iPhone, windshield, holes in walls. He tell me I’m useless, my cooking sucks, that I’m a broke b****, but mind you I have two children to care for that are not biologically his and I work full time. He’ll pinch me so hard that I will bruise, he even has gone so far to ripping my clothing off cause he didn’t like what I was wearing, he thought is was too “sexy”. I did lie to him a few times but nothing big, ex. I lied about a friends bachelorette party location because I knew he’d be in a rage which he was when he found out and came to my job hit me in the mouth and pulled my hair, but tahtsthe reason I lied cause I knew what his reaction would be. I feel like when he’s mad some of it is my fault, and I do apologize. He scares me, I’ve never been with someone like this. I tell him I want to end the relationship, and he just responds that he won’t leave unless everything in the house is broken, and that he will be around until the death of me. I’m a strong women mentality but I feel like he’s breaking that down in me. I feel like I have to no one to turn to because I’ve always been the strong one in my family, they come to me in need. Is this normal ? Is it just me ?

He does come and apologize after our arguments/fights but it’s like he forgets every hurtful thing he’s said but I can’t forget. I’m not sure what to do here. 🤔