

What are the best ways you ladies have gotten your boys to see/be empathetic towards how you’re feeling, even in the early stages of this pregnancy? My man said yesterday that “it’s too early “ for me to be feeling the way that I feel right now. He apologized after but part of me thinks it was just to smooth it over (which is totally cool and better than NOT smoothing it over) but I still think he kinda feels the way he spoke still and I appear just to be faking it I guess... idk. I’m kind of debating showing him these apps and letting him read what I’m going through only because I know he is still trippin and I’ve heard it hits them differently once the baby is actually born and in their hands but damn if I want to be in the same page ! I just know he is overwhelmed at the thought too so I don’t want to be too pushy.. any and every suggestion is welcome ! 💜 thanks in advance to anyone who responds !