Am I depressed or do I have anxiety?

kay xox

So for a few weeks now I haven’t been feeling myself. Recently I’ve been paranoid, self conscious, panicky, crying more and staying in bed more. I’ve had constant thoughts in my head that I can’t get out about how much I hate myself and how everyone is better off without me. Like I just feel so lost and lonely even if I’m around so many of my friends and family. I just feel empty. I legit can’t sleep anymore cause I have constant thoughts that I’m useless and worthless and just nothing in this world. It’s really affecting who I am because I just feel so pathetic trying to explain to everyone why I’m sad or upset. Most of the tiles I don’t even know why I am. I’ve been having what my friends class as panic attacks and have had a quite a few recently. I haven’t been to a doctor or whoever as I don’t think I’m showing any signs of being depressed or having anxiety. What do you guys say ? .....