Birth story


It was a crazy night!

5:30 went in because my water broke but I wasn’t contracting so they put me on the drip and then we saw that with every contraction her heart rate would drop way low and I was not progressing at all so they said probably emergency c section and then they thought let’s try one more time to do the oxytocin and then we did that for hours and then I was checked and all of a sudden I went from a 3 to a 9 I pushed for 1hr 45 min and she pooped as she came out so they had to take Her right away to get cleaned off and then about 10 minutes later I got to see her! 6lbd 15oz, 19 inches and 16.5 hours of labour. As they took her out, the doctors said that her umbilical cord was the longest one they had ever seen and it was likely that it had been wrapping around her with each contraction! Overall, she is safe now, in mamas arms♥️

I only has a small tear and I’m doing well so far!

Her name is Lively Elizabeth 💕