Anxiety is out of control

I have had generalized anxiety disorder for years, and it continued throughout pregnancy. Now that my daughter is here, it's out of control. She's a month old. I worry about everyyyything and I'm so afraid of her being exposed to something harmful. I also just started feeling like I'm not fit to be her mom because I've made some decisions that have potentially made her worse off health-wise than she was before. A couple examples...

------Taking her outside a couple times in her solly wrap when UV rays were strongest (midday). Her little head & legs were exposed and although she didn't burn, I feel awful that she had this sun exposure. FTM and didn't even think about how this could be harmful.

------Not covering her car seat with a blanket while driving which left her exposed to the sun, and I'm sure she probably looked right up at the sun many times potentially damaging her eyes???

As you can see, these both deal with sun exposure which is the root of most of my anxieties lately.

I know my anxiety is crazy high because I love her SO much and I'm just trying to protect her, but I also realize this is too much. To me, these worries seem 100% realistic and plausible but to anyone else, they probably wouldn't think twice about these things.

Was anyone else like this with your first born? Does it get better with time? Any suggestions or reminders to help calm my mind and realize that my daughter is likely perfectly healthy & safe?

Thank you ❤️