Woke up to this text from my husband...

In late January my husband and I suffered the loss of our baby after TTC for 3 years. I had a missed miscarriage. I carried for 11 weeks, but baby's heart stopped beating at 7 weeks. The emotional distress led to us becoming very emotionally distant.. He started to seek comfort in lusting over other women.. and to make a long story short we both did things out of hurt, and anger. Our marriage was falling apart, and we were planning on splitting up. We sat down, and talked about getting a divorce. Maybe we'd be able to heal quicker, if we were separate? So we decided to go our separate ways.. well this morning, I woke up to this.

It gave me hope. To be honest, I'm so glad he wants to step in the direction of healing not only ourselves, but our marriage. Deep down I feel like our baby would want us to keep moving forward, and fighting for our marriage.