Fun contractions are real!


I went into labor at 40+4 weeks at around 5 am. I started with period like contractions that were pretty enjoyable honestly. I was expecting something way worse.

I got to the hospital around 6 am and my baby girl arrived painlessly at 2:00 pm. I’m a first time mom so I had prepared myself for something far more scary and painful. I didn’t tear, poop, or any of the scary things you read on the internet. Honestly the epidural was the worst part of it all.

Anyways, Katia was born pretty healthy. She actually had the cord wrapped around her neck 4 times with 2 true knots yet wasn’t in any distress. Everyone one in the room was in complete shock.

After she was born she was sent to intensive care unit for the next three days for fast breathing. She was delayed feeding and needed oxygen to stabilize respirations. She was then transferred to the Children’s Hospital for jaundice where she spent the next week. We spent One night at home and had to rush her to the emergency room for being lethargic. She ended up having a viral infection. So after total of 14 days we started our new normal lives as a family.

Are used to say I only wanted one baby but after this labor and delivery I wouldn’t mind having 50 of her. I truly miss my contractions I had a connection with them and they were really fun. I remember reading an article on this app where a lady said her contractions were fun. I couldn’t understand what she was saying or how that was possible but after the contractions I had I totally understand it was the best experience of my life.

To all the same to me first time moms like me, the operating all the crazy horror stories about bad labor and delivery is or what possibly could happen trust your body in nature you were meant for this.

First few nights in the first Nicu.

Her first family visit after being discharged.