Am I being unreasonable?

So, I have been taking Norethindrone since having a laparoscopy in June. However on August 11th I was started on strong antibiotics for 10 days prior to a cystoscopy. I was still taking the Norethindrone but it quickly became apparent to me that both medications interacted with each other, lowering the effectiveness of the Norethindrone. I have finished the antibiotics for almost two weeks now, but for the last three weeks I kept feeling like I was going to get my period but nothing. I tested last week with HPT but it was negative.

This last Saturday I got really sudden strong cramps and backache so I thought for sure my period was here, but it never showed. Now today my boobs have been hurting a lot. They don’t hurt when I touch them but they have been hurting off and on. Most of the pain is on the nipples. While breast pain is not abnormal for me prior to my period, it has never felt the way it does now. Today the pain is different and much more persistent. Am I being delusional in thinking maybe I am pregnant? Is it even worth testing? Even if the strong cramps were implantation pains, would it be too early to test today or tomorrow?

I am going crazy, I just want a baby so badly lol.