

Growing up I always thought getting pregnant was going to be sooooo easy. I think mainly because I saw girls having babies after their first time having sex.

When my sisters (10 and 8 years older than me) started having babies, they made it look so easy too. Now being married, my husbands older sisters are all having babies so close to each other and having such an easy time getting pregnant.

Now that we are trying, it seems like it is never going to happen. I know it will, when the time is right. Or if it is not in our plans, we will try other options. But it just it so confusing. I also feel like everyone around me is announcing their pregnancies.

Currently I am 9 days late. No symptoms of either pregnancy or af. And every test I’ve taken has come out negative.

Which is even MORE confusing.

I talked to my mom about it. She is the only person that knows we are TTC. Mainly because she was so relentless about asking when we were going to try for our first, that I told her just so she would stop asking. But also, because she went to school to be a nurse and just knows a lot about a lot of things. And cause, she’s my mom. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I told her that I’m so confused about if I’m pregnant or not and about af not showing up yet. She said if I am pregnant, I am. If I’m not, af will show up. So I’m just waiting patiently and testing every so often. Haven’t tested since Friday. Kinda curious to take a test and see. But also, I don’t want to test just to see another negative.

But i don’t know what to do at this point. Do I wait a little longer and get blood work done? Do I just wait until af shows up?

Has anyone else had this problem? I’m literally at my wits end. Like, if I’m pregnant or not I just want to know either way now.

This stuff is confusing to say the least.