NERVOUS about IUI outcome... help?


I’m on my first try of <a href="">IUI</a> wih clomid. And, I am pretty nervous. They just measured me at cycle day 9 and i have 2 follicles (one @ 17mm and the other at 8mm), they are going to do another ultrasound in 3 days to see how much they’ve grown and the next day <a href="">IUI</a> (with baby dancing in between).

I am just nervous, because earlier in the year (Dec 2017) I had a miscarriage, which made my thyroid levels go crazy and now they are back to normal. But, my prolactin levels were up too, but Doc put me on a higher dose of Cabergoline to help with conceiving and having the prolactin levels go down. And, apparently i have benign cyst in my left ovary that is getting in the way of creating more follicles, too. Its just been a crazy balancing act. And, there’s a lot that could happen in this <a href="">IUI</a> process. But, I don’t want to really mention any of this to family or friends, because of the last miscarriage. It was just hard to be constantly updating people with all my medical jargon about what was going on. Soooo... if anyone who has had issues during the process, let me know! Hopefully this community can help ease my worried mind a little.