Davina’s here!


I’ve been reading everyone’s birth stories and looking at all the adorable photos of babies just waiting for mine! She finally made her appearance in dramatic fashion on the 31st of August - so just barely an August baby!

We had SO many false starts, but on the 31st my water broke - and it was bright red non-stop leak gushing down my leg - SO scary. We had planned to deliver a half hour away, but ended up at a local hospital 5 minutes away due to the scare. While they were prepared for c-section, she ended up coming naturally (with some Pitocin and breaking of water again) within 4 hours. It was not what I had hoped for, especially being my third and last (with the first two completely natural easy deliveries), but I am beyond thankful that she is here and we are both healthy and

doing amazing!

What’s crazy is I had no swelling in my pregnancy this time (I had a lot with my first two) - but I am swelling quite a bit after delivery this time where the last two I shed the swell within days of delivery. Anyone else experience this?