You may be me; HELP!


So I missed my period this month. Last month was weird too! I had a period on August 2nd (started mid day); then I had a full day on the 3rd. By the 4th I was spotting. NOT NORMAL for me at all. I continued to BD the rest of the month. Now I was supposed to get my period again August 30th (assuming because my last period was so short) Yet now it’s September 4th & my period NEVER CAME. I took a PT yesterday & I got a BFN! I am TOTALLY CONFUSED! I have never missed my period! I must admit I have been SUPER STRESSED as of late with personal life things! Other things to keep in mind: I have had some cramps and body aches nothing crazy or over the top. Normally during my periods my symptoms are kicking my ass but this month they are pretty mild or non existent (where I feel pretty normal or no symptoms at all). I have been feeling shortness of breath & lower back pains. Again mild; nothing severe. I’m like super bitchy too! Seriously everything my husband does irritates the crap out of me! I’m not sure if that’s just me but I feel like it’s next level lately he can’t sneeze without me rolling my eyes!! My boobs are tender and are slightly sensitive & sore! This would be my first pregnancy so I have no way of knowing or comparing my symptoms & mood swings to anything besides my cycle; which I have completely skipped this month.

Can anyone give me advice? I took the test when my period was supposed to be ending (when I was late 5 days) so I figured if I was pregnant that was enough time to test. Did I test too early? Is it possible I am pregnant?? I need answers this not knowing 100% is killing me!