So thankful

My little one is proving to be a bit of a fighter despite some of her physical conditions. Genetic testing in the first trimester showed chromosome abnormalities and I was told to make preparations as the baby might not make it to 18-20 weeks. Here we are at 35 weeks plus 4 days! Baby is a little small but growing and crazy active. I'm so thankful. I'm anxious. We hit 4 pounds and 3 ounces! Which is a very good sign. I'm hoping baby will be at least 5 pounds at birth. My OB says they would not let her go to 40 weeks but might take her or induce me between 38-39 weeks. So the countdown is really on! Grow a little more please little one! You're expected to be small but I'm praying you will reach 5 pounds and be a little more solid. Plus as a first time mama I have never held such a tiny human. My friends kids and even my siblings were are 7 pounds and up Lol! Ahhh so anxious