born on his due date!

Salma • Dimi Jo Flores • Raiden Lee Flores 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️💙

I think about my birth story EVERYDAY so why not share it.

Let’s just say this pregnancy was miserable as i got bigger. he measured fine, i gained maybe 5lbs the whole time and i had no real issues but felt like crap always. anyways, I told my doctor i didn’t want to go past my due date so she said i could get induced at 40 weeks so that’s what we planned for! at 38 weeks i was only a 1/1.5 so i got a membrane sweep done and had contractions that whole day but nothing major and i also had the bloody mucus.. i went in for my 39 week appointment at 39.6 days and i was at a 2 so she got my paperwork to get induced the next day but she let me know since mine wasn’t actually important there was a chance i wasn’t going to get in due to the medically necessary inductions that were happening that day. I go home that day and can feel myself having contractions but i go on with the day and i end up having my sister in law time my contractions and they were 5-10 minutes apart for an hour and that was at 9pm. I decided i wanted to wait longer so i shower and try to go to bed and end up not sleeping well so by 3am i couldn’t take it anymore, i wake my SO up and tell him i want to go in. By the time we are checked into the emergency room and the nurse is checking me it’s already 5am and i’m at 5cm! i get admitted and right away get the epidural (thank god he was there fast🙌🏼) By 7am my water broke by itself and i was at 7/8cm. I can slowly feel the epidural wearing off and i still have some thinning left so the nurse has me on my right side but i could not get over the pressure so i ask if i can switch sides and of course she lets me and as i turn to my left more blood comes out and she checks me and says it’s time to push! i honestly have no idea how long i pushed for but i know it wasn’t long. The longest part was waiting for my doctor to get there while having him crowning and wanting to push so bad with the epidural half working 😭 By 9:36am on August 3rd,2018 Raiden Lee Flores was here weighing 7.8 lbs & 19.5 inches 💙

It was completely different from my first! It was the best labor experience this time around. Makes me feel so good about what my body is capable of!

I even got some pretty raw pictures this time too! they are live which makes them even better.

Oh and the best part is he was born on his daddy’s birthday! 💙 i won’t be able to top that gift ever lol

this is him a month later! 💘💘