Pregnant with cold/flu


I caught whatever my coworker that sits directly next to me had because he refused to cover his mouth as he coughed and sneezed persistently. Not to mention he wipes his snotty nose with his hand then proceeds to use communal items.

I noticed the beginning symptoms on yesterday. Congestion, runny nose. No biggie.

Then as every hour passed, it got worse.

By the time I got home at 11PM it was impossible for me to sleep because I couldn’t breathe from my nostrils and mucous was running from my nose like a faucet.

I have my glucose test tomorrow so I will be seeing the doctor anyway thank goodness but I’m just wondering if this happened to any of you guys and what the doctor advised you to do?

Any safe home remedies? My mom said a hot bath is not safe but I’m sooo achy and I keep going from cold to hot and I have that pins and needles feeling in my belly and zero appetite.

I feel bad for swallowing so much mucous

:( what’s a mommy to do???