

Ok, so our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start our 4 month old on solids. His advice was essentially to follow the baby (in terms of amount) and provide only healthy options (avocado, sweet potatoes, homemade applesauce or oatmeal). He said that calories and nutrition are not the point until 6 months - that starting now is really just about the social aspect and getting used to textures/spoons/palate awareness. Though I was hoping for the go ahead as our son is practically throwing himself at food we eat (to the point I put him in his high chair and feed him some breastmilk via spoon just to calm him down because he wants to participate so badly!), I just want to be sure we’re doing it right-ish. Anyone else starting at 4 months? Are you providing a certain amount each day? Any good books or studies on the issue? I’m worried that if I just let him graze on solids as much as he wants, he’ll drop some of the milk too early.