Vanilla Sex

So my partner and I have been ttc for a little over a year now. We’ve been married for 3 and our sex life has gotten kinda boring to be honest and I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t know when I’m ovulating so there’s no pressure there and we try and mix it up a little with different positions but nothing crazy. The thing that drives me the most crazy is we only have sex before bed and our “foreplay” (which is kind of a joke) hardly turns me on and then it takes me halfway through sex to get going. we have talked about it a little bit and I suggested if either of us is horny to just go for it and I’ve tried but he doesn’t get the hint (like he will be on his computer and I’ll go up and straddle him and start kissing him, give a really intense back rub, I even sent him a nude yesterday and nothing...I’m not the type of person to be like hey babe I wanna fuck so these are my ways of saying

It just makes me sad and frustrated that our sex life used to be great and now is just kinda blah.

Am I over reacting? What would y’all do?