Need some ladies 🌸

Nichole • Mommy to an 👼🏻 baby and to our 🌈 baby boy’s, Charlie 6-12-19 💙💙 Emmett 5-18-21 💙💙

Alright. I have been struggling for awhile to have a successful pregnancy. I had a d&c of august 2016 and a miscarriage in March or 2017. We have been ttc since with no luck, at all. We stopped trying, but decided to start again. I track my ovulation this month and we made sure to have sex on those high days. Period is due this Saturday. I have no symptoms so far. And I feel like I’m already out... again. We just went through a semen analysis and should get the results back today! Would love some girlfriends to go through these monthly emotions with!