Failed pitocin


I was sent straight from my doctors office to the hospital to get induced yesterday afternoon due to high blood pressure. I am 38 weeks. They checked my cervix and I was 3cm dilated so they started pitocin without needing the foley bulb. I was started at a level 2 of pitocin around 4pm and they upped it every fifteen minutes in increments of 2. The monitor said I was having contractions but I didn’t feel anything. I eventually had slight cramping but nothing else. They checked me around 9pm and said I was still only 3cm and my cervix was too high to break my water. I ended up maxing out at a level 40 of pitocin with no progress at all. Still 3cm, cervix still too high to break water. So they took me off for a couple hours and now I’m waiting to restart the pitocin at a level 2 again here shortly. Hopefully second time works better! Anyone have similar experiences? Of note, I do have poly so I don’t know if the extra fluid is affecting how I feel the contractions?