It's not even about the money

Teemo Troll • I tell it how it is

A little backstory .. my boyfriend and I got engaged may 30th. Shortly after I had a lunch with my dad to discuss the wedding and if he was helping out in any way and he basically told me that I'd have to get a personal loan to pay for it. I told my brother this who is a gossip and it went around the family - my dad takes me out for dinner with my fiance and calls me a liar and a problem starter because he never said he wouldn't help and would be happy to help in some way for his only daughters wedding. A few weeks later I'm just looking in a bridal store with my step mom and we find a dress I liked. I told her I just wanted to know my size and I don't need to leave with a dress that day. She buys it for me, I offer to pay her back for it and she says dont worry we'll talk later and then they discuss how it's a wedding gift/contribution.... fast forward a month and I text her an update about wedding stuff and she asks me how soon and in what incraments i can pay her back for the dress! Moneys tight right now so I told her 50-75 for next month or two until some debts are paid off I can pay more. Here's me thinking they gave it to me as a wedding gift ... it sucks I have to budget an add another 600 to my wedding budget but it's the way they did this that really upsets me. Why say it's a gift and then demand I pay you back for it?