Bad news at baby appointment:(


So yesterday we got some pretty bad news, our baby is only weighing at 2lbs, and on the 19th percentile on her growth chart.

I am 29 weeks and 4 days, they warned me about preterm labor, still born, and complications with a “small baby” after she’s born.

They told me to relax as much as I can and In a month if nothing’s changed and she is still weighing super small they will want me on bed rest . (I have a 2 year old so that’s not possible )

Super worried and scared now.

My first one I had no problems, she was born 5lbs 8oz (small) but they looked at her records from when I was pregnant with her and said she was bigger than this baby at this point in my pregnancy😩

I’m not sure how it’s even possible for her to be so small when I eat so much but I am tiny myself weight 114 and only 5'1'.

Praying that this baby starts getting bigger and growing at a faster rate!