"Coming out" as infertile.


So I was looking into a documentary called Vegas Baby, I haven't watched it yet but I was reading up on it. Basically they follow 3 families as they compete for a fully paid cycle of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in las vegas.

So one of the women on it is a lesbian and she was quoted saying that "coming out" as an infertile woman was a lot harder for her than coming out as being gay. This blew my mind. On one hand, I think that's great. Maybe the stigma of being gay is finally lessening. It definitely should be an easy conversation. I don't think that coming out should be such an ordeal, it shouldn't be an event at all, people should just love who they love and that's it. Maybe we're getting closer to that, I don't know, and I won't pretend to know what they go through so please don't think I'm trying to make light of other's struggles or even compare the two. It just blew my mind that infertility is harder to talk about than sexuality. Why is it so hard for us to open up to others about not being able to conceive? Why do we do everything we can to avoid eye contact or make conversation with the other women in the RE waiting rooms even? We're all there for the same thing! Why is this stigma there? I just don't get it. And hearing that woman's perspective really made me think about it. What do you guys think? Is that surprising to you or no?